Friday, March 16, 2007

It's a ...

Well, after carrying this thing around inside of me for the past 21 weeks, we finally know if we'll be buying pink or blue. Anyone who knows me well, knows that I'm very curious about pretty much everything and these past five months of not knowing have been so hard. Adam and I both wanted a girl. I don't think we had any good reasons for wanting a girl. Maybe it was the family with four kids who sat in front of us on the beach in Mexico one day. There were three boys who were creating quite a bit of chaos for their poor father and then there was the girl, who just sat so peacefully as her mother played with her hair. At first I was a bit concerned that it would be a boy. I spent quite a bit of time observing mothers with their baby sons and they truly seemed to love them as much as mothers loved their daughters. But, of course, once we had the ultrasound and learned that everything was where it should be and that the baby was healthy, the gender wasn't really all that important.

ANYWAYS, when I called the maternity clinic this week, they finally had the results. The receptionist reminded me that the the findings weren't 100%. Seriously, what are they going to do, offer a "satisfaction guaranteed" policy. Anyways, she asked me what I thought I was having. This is a question I've been asked many times but I've never been able to distinguish between what I wanted and what I thought I'd have. But the moment she asked the question,
I felt pretty sure I knew. I told her that I thought we were having a girl and she told me that I was right. So you all now have a new granddaugher, great granddaughter and niece. YAY!!! We can buy pink!!!!!! Come on now, for someone who loves pink as much as I do, how can I not be excited about that?!

I don't really know what else to say. I've finally been feeling her move around and kick so that's pretty cool.

Well we should be heading to bed. Tomorrow we're off to Kelowna with our friends Jonny & Corinne. We're going up to visit another friend who just had a baby on Monday. Seeing as how it's supposed to rain here all weekend long, we're happy to be getting out of the city and seeing some new sights. I hope you're all well and we can't wait for you to meet our sweet little daughter.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

2D Never Looked So Good

So this week Kim and I had the pleasure of seeing first hand what was happening in her growing tummy. Pretty amazing I must say. I know, I know, we have all seen ultrasounds before and they typically look very alien like, but knowing that this is your own creation in there is entirely a different story.

The detail that the radiologist was able to show on the screen in real time was amazing..the spinal cord, foot and hand digits, 2 developing sides of the brain, the beating heart and general insides of our baby's body. We could have scanned for hours if they would have let us, but unfortunately they brought kim in, took all the necessary measurements, brought me in, showed us our baby and we were on our way with a $10 average white stock 8.5/11 printout for a keepsake.

The most important part of this highlight to our life is that the baby's measurements all checked out perfectly! The next task is the discovery of the gender, so grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc. will know whether to go with pink or blue when picking out that perfect _____________ (add item here).

Here is a glimpse of our little one...We look at this every day, looking forward to July 24th.