Sunday, September 16, 2007

My how she's grown...

So when we were at the public health unit to get Addison's 2-month shots, a new father came over to see her and commented on how big she was. I thought that was kind of strange since most people comment on how small she is so I asked him how old his baby was. Being a proud new papa, he told me that his daughter was only 5 days old and brought me over to his carseat to see her. Oh my goodness. She was bigger than Addison was when she was born and she was sooooo tiny. It was hard for me to believe that our little girl was ever that size so I came home and looked at some photos. Then, during our next bath time, I took another one for comparison purposes. Check this out:

Taken July 10, 2007 - 5 days old
Taken September 5, 2007 - 2 months old
Believe it.

1 comment:

Domestic Bloggess said...

It is amazing how she looks like a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT BABY! Seriously, this having kids thing is INCREDIBLE! You have a honey on your hands that's for sure!